New search for health services

Project mission

Project mission

Project mission

Redesign the search for medical services in the app and website of the largest health insurance company in the country to improve user experience and satisfaction, and to reduce the number of complaints at the call center about current usability issues.

Redesign the search for medical services in the app and website of the largest health insurance company in the country to improve user experience and satisfaction, and reduce the number of complaints at the customer service center about current usability issues.

Recreate the search for medical services in the app and website of the largest health insurance company in the country to improve the experience and satisfaction of users and reduce the number of complaints at the customer service center about current usage difficulties.

Business requirements

Business requirements

Business requirements

Align the project's initiatives and ideas with all internal areas of the company, facilitating a more organized roadmap, monitoring market trends, and orienting towards the company's strategic interests.

Align the project's initiatives and ideas with all internal areas of the company, facilitating a more organized roadmap, monitoring market trends, and aligning with the company's strategic interests.

Align the initiatives and ideas of the project with all internal areas of the company, facilitating a more organized roadmap, following market trends, and aligning with the interests of the company.




  • Miro

  • Figma

  • Google Tools




  • 3 UX/UI Designers

  • 1 Designer Thinker

My papers

My papers

My papers

  • UX/UI Designer

  • UX Researcher

  • Design Thinker

  • Facilitator




8 weeks:

  • Research and analysis: 2

  • Ideation and prototype: 3

  • Testing and report: 1

Planning and processes

I believe that Design Thinking does not need to be used in every project, but in this specific one, this way of thinking helped a lot to plan all the stages within the set timeframe, selecting and separating based on the schedule each method and tool most suitable to be applied in each phase.


In the Immersion phase, the project team delved into the context of the problem through Benchmarking and interviews with stakeholders. Different points of view were considered, both from Bradesco Seguros employees and from insured and uninsured individuals, in order to gain empathy and identify challenges and opportunities, broadening the team's perspective on the challenge.

51 interviews

27 internals

24 with users


16 Western and Eastern references.

15 main features in common.

AS-IS Mapping

Mapping the journey and the main pains and needs.

Card sorting

Adjusted method for understanding the ideal journey and each usage scenario.


440+ quotes

who went through the debriefing process in Excel and clustering in Miro.

that went through the debriefing process in Excel and clustering in Miro.

25 Findings

they were conceived through the clusters made with all the collected inputs.

were designed through the clusters made with all the collected inputs.

13 projects

internally mapped to understand and integrate the current project with those that were ongoing or in the roadmap.

mapped internal to understand and integrate the current project with those that were underway or on the roadmap.

Word map generated with the inputs

Word map generated with the inputs

Word map generated with the inputs


In this stage, the results of the analysis were used to build the ideal journey, its scenarios, and each step necessary to define the experience tailored to each need and situation. After this ideation, I facilitated an in-person prioritization workshop with the departments to determine which features would be prioritized, deprioritized, and discarded. This workshop was based on a part of the Lean Inception framework, which allowed for the prioritization and direction of each feature in a roadmap through waves and sprints.

Ideal journey

Building a flexible and comprehensive journey for every user need.

Building a flexible and comprehensive journey for each user's needs.

Building a flexible and comprehensive journey for each user's needs.


Addressing 4 possible scenarios for use in the app or website for each type of situation and urgency.


defined from the discovery of the problem to the "post-consultation", encompassing both digital and analog strategies.



Generated considering all the scenarios and flows defined as MVP in the workshop.


Made on paper and pen to organize the information and functionalities of each screen.

181 Screens produced

131 in the mobile version

50 in the desktop version

Home page


Online scheduling


22 tests

They were made with collaborators and users in the defined persona.

Some insights were important to adjust accessibility, especially for older people.

1 feedback session

It was made for the client's design area in order to receive feedback on the use of the design system and usability and brand guidelines.

1 feedback session

It was made for the client's design area in order to receive feedback on the use of the design system and usability and brand guidelines.

As-is x To-be

The users filled out the SUS (System Usability Scale) questionnaire, and it thus became clear with numbers the improvement in the experience delivered compared to the previous one in production.


30 mapped features

10 of them were prioritized and planned in the roadmap.

1 journey / 4 scenarios

Considering from the beginning of the case beyond the digital, to the post-use, encompassing the entire service.

2 prototypes

Being one in the mobile version and another in the desktop version

Report with 180+

Documentation and guidance pages for the company, the product, and the project.

Reduction of 28%

In the amount of calls to the customer service center, KR is essential for product performance.