Investment SaaS
1 UX/UI Designer
1 Developer
1 Product Owner
8 weeks:
Research and analysis: 1
Prototyping: 5
Planning and processes
The project went through 5 non-linear stages, so that the entire project reflected not only in a market-level experience but also in a competitive international product.
Architecture validation
High-fidelity prototyping
Final validation
I conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current product, aligning with the client on the features and information to keep or add, including chart and table widgets. Next, I performed a benchmarking of national and international platforms, highlighting strengths and weaknesses in product and usability, helping the product manager to better plan the product lifecycle and the phases of the project.
to better understand the product and the market with the platform's product manager.
AS-IS Mapping
Mapping the journey and the main pains and needs.
12 global references
3 national references
Wireframing as a technique for optimization and rapid validation
I followed a process of creating wireframes for each screen with the objective of quickly validating the structure of functionalities and content, greatly optimizing the progress of the project in the ideation and design phases.
High-fidelity prototyping
After each wireframing validation, I started building the screen, using the client's style guide as a basis, while also defining some important assets that we didn't have yet, such as font-style, color-style, and component standards. With each construction, I also validated with the development team to understand if there was technical feasibility for the proposed solutions.
As a construction service for all the graphics, standardized visually by me.
Mas antes dos protótipos, permita-lhes mostrar,
como era antes…
Home page
Final validation
28 Screens produced
Generated considering all the scenarios and flows defined as MVP in the workshop.
Dark & Light mode
Feitos em papel e caneta para organizar as informações e funcionalidades de cada tela.
This project was a stepping stone for the competitive reintroduction of the product into the market.